Success Stories


Success Stories

Successful Projects Accomplished

Selected Accomplishemnts With Imuka Access
2022 Generational Food Program(Ideation Hackathon and Business Bootcamp)-Gulu and Mbale Cities
Provided team of business experts to facilitate the Ideation Hackathon and the Business Bootcamps of the Generation Food program that was being managed by SHONA Group in partnership with with Rikolto, a Belgian NGO active in the agricultural value chain, to support women and youth entrepreneurs in Mbale and Gulu to grow their ideas into successful agribusinesses leading to a more sustainable and fair food systems. The program’s main goal was to support the transition towards a sustainable and fair food system in the focus regions to increase the accessibility of safe and healthy food to all consumers including marginalized groups, generates a fair income for all the actors throughout the chain and reduces the ecological impact on the planet.
2022 Business Retreat Bootcamps
Successfully Conducted 4 Business Retreat Bootcamps in Soroti, Mbale, Kalangala and Kampala. The business retreat bootcamp is a 4-day intensive practical Business Learning Experience; designed to accelerate strategic business planning process. It is created for business owners who need to strategically plan for stability, growth and scaling of their businesses.
2022 Regional Business Clinics
Successfully conducted 7 regional business clinics; Soroti, Mbale, Fortporto, Mbarara, Arua and Lira to serve as business connect information sessions for identified and selected entrepreneurs with high growth businesses seeking to access growth and scale up financing for their businesses. The clinics provided foundational business mindset and insights on scaling businesses and access to scale up financing. It provided knowledge relevant business management best practices and one-on-one advisory support services while creating opportunities to connect, learn and share with fellow entrepreneurs.
2022 Climate Launchpad Accelerator 2022
Successfully facilitated the climate launchpad accelerator program to support selected climate innovators in refining their innovations towards sustainability, investment readiness and financial access.
2021 (SDGia)Sustainable Development Goals Impact Accelerator Mentor/Coach
SDG Impact Accelerator (SDGia) is a global accelerator built by a multi stakeholder platform focusing on empowering “systems entrepreneurs” and innovators who are providing impact at scale.
2021 Uganda Green Enterprise Finance Accelerator (UGEFA)
Successfully facilitated 2 cohorts of the UGEFA program supporting 14 companies towards investment readiness to access green financing facility. This initiative was under the Renewable Energy Business Incubator(REBI)
2020 Amuru Disability Mainstreaming Project (ADIMAP) Community Innovation Challenge
(Ongoing)Facilitating the program to support development of sustainable inclusive innovation solutions by beneficiary vulnerable households thereby improving food security and house hold income level.
2020 GIZ-EnDev(Energising Development)
Co-consulting under Renewable Energy Business Incubator on Mapping, Classifying and Assessing Priority Business Development support areas of Clean Energy Producers and distributors with Kampala and its Peri-urban
2020 Private Development Educational Network(PEDN)
Facilitated the regional business innovation Labs(Gulu, Mubende, Fort-portal, Mbale), under USAID-YLA Youth Innovation Contest aimed at unlocking youth potential through supporting youth innovators to develop inclusive business solutions for the agriculture sector actors
2019 ITC(International Trade Center) She Trades International -Women Business Workshop
Investment readiness workshop women owned and women benefitting businesses. The SheTrades initiative provides women entrepreneurs around the world with a unique network and platform to connect to markets.
2019 Climate Launchpad -National Competition
Training and coaching the Ugandan finalists of Climate Launchpad -National Competition. Trained and coached climate innovators participating in the nationals, there after coached 3 three participants who represented Uganda in the regional competitions in Nairobi Kenya. Further coached them to participate in Global finals in Amsterdam Netherlands.
2019 Swisscontact Foundation -U-Learn Project Phase 2-(Learn, Earn and Save)
Coordinated with Swisscontact Foundation-U-Learn Project to develop localized physical and virtual business platform meet-ups which intergrated with the (online/virtual) Imuka Access online platform. This integrated use of technology to enhance access of business development support to the target community beneficiaries. This has so far been successfully conducted in 7 districts: Masaka, Hoima, Bundibugyo, Jinja, Luwero, Masindi and Wakiso. Additional districts include Kibale and Kakumiro to be activated