
NSSF Hi-innovator E-Business Essentials Course

Tuesday 30th July 2024

A re ready to unlock your e-business potential by transforming your business online and generating sales with essential business tips? Apply today and Boost your hustle!

Ready to take your business online and unlock new growth opportunities? This e-business essentials course empowers you, the savvy business owner, with the knowledge and skills to digitize your operations and harness the power of online platforms

Course Modules

1. Demystifying e-business

2. Building your e-commerce fortress

3. Driving traffic and engagement for an e-commerce business 

4. Optimizing operation and growth

IMUKA ACCESS is committed to supporting you by providing Business Development Support through our Industry Experts and access to finance through Investors.

Our Services
1. Business Idea Refinement

2. Business Plan development with Financial Projections

3. Financial Modelling and Planning

4. Investor Pitch deck and development

5. Pitching and Story-Telling Training

6. Accounting and Financial Management

7. Sell Products and Services online

8. Business Management Support

Sign up via to request any of the above services to scale your business, engage with Industry experts, gain exclusive access to Masterclasses, Trainings and Events! 

Call: +256 788 320 403


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