
Digital Marketing and E-Commerce for Business Expansion

Sunday 4th August 2024

Calling on all small and medium business owners and employees to apply for the Digital Marketing and E-Commerce for Business Expansion. The training will commence in mid-August 2024 and open to Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo.

The Digital Skills for an Innovative East African Industry (dSkills@EA) is a regional initiative aimed at enhancing the digital skills of youth across East Africa. The project focuses on building capacity, supporting innovation and entrepreneurship, and providing short-term training tailored to the digital transformation needs of the East African Community (EAC) Partner States.

dSkills@EA is part of the EAC-German technical development cooperation, implemented by the Inter-University Council of East Africa (IUCEA) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). The project collaborates closely with the private sector and a consortium of academic institutions from both the EAC and Germany.

The training is part of the EAC Digital Skills for an Innovative East African Industry (dSkills@EA) project, implemented by Deutsche Gesell-schaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and Inter University Council of East Africa (IUCEA).

Who Can Apply

Business owners in key EAC sectors, including agriculture, health, energy, tourism, and logistics.

Employees working in key EAC sectors, including agriculture, health, energy, tourism, and logistics.

Must be legally registered or working in legally incorporated companies.

In Person Training Dates

Uganda and Kenya - 9th, 10th September

Burundi and Tanzania - 28th, 29th August

Rwanda, DR Congo - 19th, 20th August

South Sudan - 23rd, 24th September

Program Benefits

Company Growth : Digital marketing training equips companies to compete on a larger stage. You’ll learn to leverage online platforms to reach customers regionally and even globally, boosting your competitiveness and propelling them towards international success.

Skilled Workforce : Employees will gain digital marketing and e-commerce skills, creating a competitive edge for businesses within their industries. This fosters innovation and drives growth in East Africa’s economic landscape.

Online visibility : Training boosts online presence through impactful website creation and social media management. Businesses attract new customers, amplify brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales.

IMUKA ACCESS is committed to supporting you by providing Business Development Support through our Industry Experts and access to finance through Investors.

Our Services
1. Business Idea Refinement

2. Business Plan development with Financial Projections

3. Financial Modelling and Planning

4. Investor Pitch deck and development

5. Pitching and Story-Telling Training

6. Accounting and Financial Management

7. Sell Products and Services online

8. Business Management Support

Sign up via to request any of the above services to scale your business, engage with Industry experts, gain exclusive access to Masterclasses, Trainings and Events! 

Call: +256 788 320 403


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